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Physics Courses

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PHYS 1101 General Physics I (4 credits)

物理学概论的第一节课, 适合不熟悉微积分的学生. 主题包括牛顿的运动定律,能量守恒,动量,流体,振动和波. 经常用到初等代数和三角函数. Includes lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: none; MATH 1170 recommended. [核心课程目标领域3 (LC)]
Common Course Outline

PHYS 1102 General Physics II (4 credits)

物理学概论的第二门课程,适合不熟悉微积分的学生. 主题包括热、电、磁、电路、光和光学. 必要时使用初等代数和三角学. Includes lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite(s): none; MATH 1470 recommended. [核心课程目标领域3 (LC)]
Common Course Outline

PHYS 1200 Ideas of Modern Physics (3 credits)

介绍现代物理概念的水平适合所有学生. 讨论的话题可能包括爱因斯坦的相对论, quantum mechanics, lasers, nuclear energy, black holes, and dark matter. 本课程将主要是非数学的,只在需要时使用少量的数学. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 3 (LL)]
Common Course Outline

PHYS 2000 Astronomy (3 credits)

一个学期的天文学概论. 主题包括天文学史, 我们太阳系的形成和组成, 恒星和星系的演化, the Big Bang model, 寻找外星生命, and the fate of the universe. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 3 (LL).]
Common Course Outline

PHYS 2101 University Physics I (4 credits)

以微积分为基础的物理入门课程的第一课. 主题包括牛顿的运动定律, gravitation, energy conservation, momentum, fluids, vibrations and waves. Includes lecture and laboratory. 先决条件:数学2471或教师的同意. [核心课程目标领域3 (LC)]
Common Course Outline

PHYS 2102 University Physics II (4 credits)

第二门以微积分为基础的物理入门课程. 主题包括电、磁、电路、光和光学. Includes lecture and laboratory. 前提条件:物理2101和数学2472或教师的同意. [核心课程目标领域3 (LC)]
Common Course Outline

材料静力学和强度 (3 credits)

非加速物体和结构所承受的荷载和力矩分析, 考虑力和力矩的分布, material deformation, and prediction of material failure. Prerequisite: PHYS 2101.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 2220 Dynamics (3 credits)

Dynamics force and moment systems, 包括应用于粒子和刚体系统, with an engineering emphasis. Prerequisite: PHYS 2101.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 2500 Electronics (4 credits)

数字集成电路的使用和分析,以及在计算机电路和接口中的应用. Intensive laboratory. 必备条件:PHYS 1101或PHYS 2101,或教师同意.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 3103 University Physics III (4 credits)

以微积分为基础的物理学入门课程的最后一门课程,重点是现代物理学. Topics include special relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic physics and radiation, elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology. Includes lecture and laboratory. 前提条件:PHYS 2102或教师同意.
Common Course Outline

物理和统计物理 (3 credits)

热力学和统计力学原理. Topics include temperature, the laws of thermodynamics, entropy, heat engines and refrigerators, free energy, 以及玻尔兹曼和量子统计学. 先决条件:物理2102,物理3103,数学2472,或教师的同意.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 3400 Mathematical Physics (3 credits)

介绍用于解决物理科学问题的数学技术. Topics include complex numbers, Fourier series, 常微分方程和偏微分方程, 级数解包括勒让德多项式和贝塞尔函数. 先决条件:物理2102,数学2472,或教师的同意.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 3700 Classical Mechanics (3 credits)

牛顿定律适用于粒子和刚体系统. 主题包括能量和动量守恒, non-inertial reference frames, 拉格朗日和哈密顿力学. 先决条件:物理2101,物理3400或数学2490.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 3720 Advanced Laboratory (1 credits)

为补充目前没有实验部分的各种高级课程而设计的实验室. 内容随学期而异,可能会重复. Prerequisite: PHYS 2102.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 4100 Solid-State Physics (3 credits)

凝聚态物理基础,强调结晶固体. 包括传输机制,能带理论,晶格振动,绝缘体和半导体. 先决条件:物理2102,物理3103,数学2472.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 4300 Optics (4 credits)

Electromagnetic wave phenomena, 包括弗劳恩霍夫衍射和菲涅耳衍射, interference, coherence, dispersion, and polarization. Lecture and laboratory. 先决条件:物理2102,物理3400或数学2490,或教师的同意.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 4500 Electromagnetism (4 credits)

经典的电场和磁场理论. Topics include Maxwell's equations, boundary value problems, static fields, dielectric materials, waves, waveguides, and antennas. 先决条件:PHYS 2102, PHYS 3400,或教师同意.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 4700 Quantum Mechanics (3 credits)

量子力学的发展和表述, 在光谱学中有选择的应用, atomic/nuclear structure, and lasers. 前提条件:PHYS 3103, PHYS 3400.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 4800理论物理专题 (4 credits)

电磁学,经典力学和量子力学的高级主题. 前提条件:PHYS 3103, PHYS 3400,并同意讲师.
Common Course Outline

PHYS 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)

Common Course Outline

PHYS 4980 Research (3 credits)

Common Course Outline